博客來精選推薦Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner


Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner

Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner 評價





Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner


The Never King

The Borne Series Box Set



If you are an absolute beginner or simply looking for a solid foundation to your language studies for school, work or travel, this engaging course will help get you on your way to speaking, writing, reading and understanding Danish in no time.

Through an engaging story line, clear language presentations, and extensive practice and review, you will pick up the Danish you need to communicate naturally in everyday situations - from shopping and traveling to food and daily life.

With our interactive Discovery Method, you’ll absorb language rules faster, remember what you learn easily, and put your Danish into use with confidence.

Get Started in Beginner’s Danish has a learner-centered approach that incorporates the following features:
  • Outcomes-based approach- focus your learning with clear goals
  • Discovery method- figure out rules and patterns for yourself to aid in understanding and language recall
  • 10 easy-to navigate units + review units - be in control of your learning.
  • Self-check and Test Yourself- see and assess your own progress
  • Personalization- use the language in real situations
  • Authentic dialogues and up-to-date scenarios
  • Simple grammar explanations that do not assume prior knowledge of grammatical terms
  • Focus on communication


  • 作者: Al-Gailani, Dorte
  • 原文出版社:Teach Yourself
  • 出版日期:2015/11/17
  • 語言:其他語文

Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish- Absolute Beginner


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